About RCE Greater Atlanta
RCE Greater Atlanta brings together universities and colleges from across the Greater Atlanta region with nonprofit, community, government, and business partners. RCE Greater Atlanta was acknowledged by the United Nations University on December 18, 2017, as a Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development. The designation makes Atlanta one of over 190 RCEs worldwide. RCEs support multistakeholder implementation of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals at the regional level through education and training.

In particular, we approach all the SDGs from an equity and justice lens, building on Atlanta’s history as the home of the Civil Rights Movement to address the region’s current crippling inequities. We aim to create a new regional model for collective impact, by harnessing higher education capacity and knowledge for regional benefit – and in the process, better preparing our youth to be sustainable development changemakers, in Greater Atlanta and beyond.

RCE Greater Atlanta's goals are found in this presentation.
As part of the Global RCE Network, RCE Greater Atlanta has won 9 global awards for our programming since our acknowledgment in 2017.
See RCE in the News for more information on the recognitions and achievements of RCE Greater Atlanta.
For an overview of the early history of RCE Greater Atlanta, see the "RCE: The Early History" video. In this video, RCE member Rick Stone facilitates an informal video conversation with six members who have been involved in the network since early on (41 min.)

Our Mission
RCE Greater Atlanta is a network committed to leveraging educational resources for regional implementation of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a focus on equity and justice. Our members, representing all sectors of community, business, government, and civil society, contribute to the creation of an inclusive and collaborative community that advances SDG knowledge and action and nurtures strong youth leadership for a healthy and just region.
RCE Greater Atlanta Goals

Advance SDG Knowledge & Action

Model Inclusive & Collaborative Community

Nurture Strong Youth Leadership
Our Guiding Principles
Principle 1:
We build intergenerational relationships for the long term, to sustain change in the region and the world.
Principle 2:
We acknowledge the disparities experienced across SDGs, regionally, as a result of our discriminatory history, and commit to advancing equity as a core network imperative.
Principle 3:
We all have knowledge, skills and assets to contribute. Our RCE network provides structure to build on these gifts to work together to advance our RCE Greater Atlanta goals.
Principle 4:
Each activity we do is led by members and advances their core work in unique ways by incorporating contributions from other members from different sectors, generations, and backgrounds.
Principle 5:
We commit to being SDG advocates within our organizations and circles of influence, investing in our youth, and expanding the network.
RCE Greater Atlanta welcomes institutional, organizational, and individual stakeholders from all sectors, including higher education institutions, businesses, non-governmental organizations, community associations, and local, regional, state and federal government. All RCE partners are committed to developing and advancing a comprehensive approach to sustainable development through education and training, focused on implementing the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the region.

Membership in RCE Greater Atlanta is an active commitment. Members can expect to contribute their skills, knowledge and talents, towards advancement of the RCE Greater Atlanta goals. To apply to be a member, fill out this Membership Application.
See the Membership section on the Get Involved page for more information.
If you are a member, you can access the password protected Membership Directory. To receive the password, please contact us.