SDG Fellows (2022-2023)
Congratulations to the first class of SDG Futures Fellows! We are excited to go on a journey with this cohort as they learn more about sustainable development and equity, focused on the Greater Atlanta region. The 27 Fellows represent a wide variety of backgrounds, coming to the program from 9 Greater Atlanta Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with experience in more than 20 different disciplines. We look forward to hearing the ideas generated by the coming together of so many enthusiastic young minds. To learn more about the program, visit this page.
Environmental Science and Law - Georgia Gwinnett College
Economics and Biology - Morehouse College
Environmental Science- Emory University
Architecture - Georgia Tech
International Affairs- Kennesaw State University
Sociology and Environmental Economics - University of Georgia
Civil Engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology
Civil Engineering - University of Georgia
Industrial Engineering and Data Science - Georgia Institute of Technology
Software Engineering - Kennesaw State University
International Development - Georgia State University
Sustainable Food Systems - University of Georgia
Economics - Morehouse College
Global Studies and Computer Information Systems - Georgia State University
Political Science, International Affairs, and Law - Georgia State University
Environmental Science - Georgia Gwinnett College
Information Technology - Kennesaw State University
Environmental Science - Georgia Gwinnett College
Environmental Engineering - University of Georgia
City and Regional Planning - Georgia Institute of Technology
Physics and Mathematics - Morehouse College
Health Science and Public Health - Georgia Gwinnett College
International Development and Global Policy - Agnes Scott College
International Economics and Law - Georgia Gwinnett College
Biology - Georgia Gwinnett College
Anthropology and Sustainability - Agnes Scott College
Finance and Management Information Systems - University of Georgia